Friday, April 17, 2009

If you were wondering if Chase Bank thinks it's customers are stupid.

They do.

I recieved this letter in the mail informing me of the closure of my main branch and letting me know where my main branch would be. Note: the branch was not being shut down, just moving. At first I thought this was nice, very helpful information. Then I looked at the map they provided to show me where my new branch was. Take a look.

The green star is my current branch. The blue star is my new branch. Notice the addresses. They moved from 3227 W. Addison to 3225 W. Addison. In the same shopping plaza. They moved next door to the old branch. Did this really warrant a letter from the branch manager to all of their thousands of customers? Someone needs to let Chase bank know we're in an economic crisis and while they may be strong now, wasting paper in this fashion can kill them.

Welcome to all of you that have come here from the e-mail I just sent out. I wanted to boost my readership so that I will have a reason for writing. Please comment once and a while so that I know you're reading. Love you all.


Alicia said...

thats hilarious. I mean if you go into the plaza I think you would notice the other bank before you angrily call Chase and ask them where they've moved to.

SarahDee said...

Chase Bank has a lot of constituents to accommodate, some of them obviously drunk and/or high.