Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'll admit it. I'm a bandwagon fan. I only start paying attention to the Red Wings when they get into the playoffs. I barely watched any of the finals this year. But I did make sure to watch this last game. I like to witness historical moments though. When a team hasn't won a championship in 49 years, it's cool to see them to see them achieve something that amazing. It was a great game too.

I wonder if I'll ever see a Cubs or Tigers World Series win. Hell, it would be cool to see the Cubs get to the World Series.

This will probably be the last time I talk about sports in a long, long time. Stay tuned for posts about magic the gathering, board games, video games, and improv.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I was totally a hawks bandwagon fan this year, too!